Have been busy lately with UBP

I have been busy lately with Underbones Philippines (UBP) that I missed to update my personal blog Ver Pangonilo – Filipino Engineer.

UBP is a community forum for motorcycle enthusiasts founded in 2006. I am one of the founders. It became one of the most prestigious and most sought after online forum when it comes to Do-It-Yourself for underbones motorcycles, not to mention safety, travel advisory and many more.

Just like life in this world, anything has a cycle. You are up, then you are down. At this time, UBP is at its lowest point. I am trying to do everything to re-invigorate the forum. I have been trying this for several months now but attendance still declines.

In as much as I want UBP to exists much longer, I may be forced to closed it down, and may it rest in peace.